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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

why my life sucks: a narrative on snow

One day without power, fine okay it happens. Whatever. Now going on 4, I want to die! First of my grievances. Now is not! The time for snow! Snow in October is unacceptable. So Sunday my parents decided rather than stay in our freezing cold house that doesn't even have hot water we would flee to a hotel. Which sucks for me because I feel like a caged bird (I can't even sing due to lack of sound proofing in hotels). Serious cabin fever syndrome. So I try to do homework/ college apps and fail because I'm so miserable. Yesterday, I ventured back to New Prov into the cold to hang out with Nicole and Christina just because I'm so bored here. Like seriously I've never missed my house so badly. We've had off from school 2 days which means no more snow days...yes, good bye actual weeks off! Also my town moved Halloween to Friday. Like nbd it's just a holiday we can just move that around if we want. But yep 90% of New Prov is out of power. And we may not get power back until Thursday. I'm not going to last that long in captivity. 2 more days not gonna happen. I'll stage a break out. And I know I shouldn't complain. I do have internet and lights and heat. And last time we checked no fallen trees damaged our house, but oh my gosh how many times can I cycle through facebook, email, twitter, hulu, youtube, online shopping, etc. before I need real companionship. HELP!!!

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