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Sunday, February 12, 2012

way too long!

It's been way to long since I've blogged! I'm not even sure what to post about! So much has happened! The birthdays of the two biggest fans of life and times! (Sonya and Nicole: I'll hit you up when I'm legal ;)) I got accepted to a college including their honors program and a scholarship (but it's my safety school so I hopefully won't even have to consider going), got deferred from another school. Took midterms and officially became a second semester senior. Ahhh it feels good to blog! I've barely been home which means I barely have time to sleep let alone document my busy life. In Psychology we're learning about motivation and desires so I'm going to make a list of things I want right now.
1) To get into my top choice school (I'm being weird and superstitious, but I feel like if I post the name I'll jinx myself!). I changed my app to Early Decision which increases my chances and means I find out at the end of the month. I'm ridiculously nervous especially since I got deferred from one of my other schools. Which by the way sent me into a self pitying low self-esteem mode. Which is stupid and I hated feeling that terrible and I complained to some supportive friends perhaps a tad too much. Any way I had two separate dreams that I got into the school so hopefully this will be a dream come true. I'm taking it as a good omen! If I get in I'm buying so much school spirit crap for me and everyone I know!
2) A love letter! I was on StumbleUpon a very amusing website that totally enables procrastination. And found this website about a girl who wrote 300 love letters. They were to friends, strangers, everyone, no one, and yes boyfriends. Also I've been watching more than my normal amount of RomComs which appeals to my sentimental side. And Valentine's Day spirit is in the air. Oh well! This one is out of my hands!
3) A ukulele! I really want one to play cool songs on. I just think I should have a portable instrument I can jam with. And ukuleles are perfect for cute, quirky girls who like singing! So I'll probs order one online with my babysitting money soon. Finding the right one is tricky though!
4) New TOMS! The pair I have are actually falling apart! I was looking at 3 pairs earlier today, but it's a big decision!I wear my current pair practically every day.
5) My cartilage pierced. I promised myself I'd get on that after I applied to colleges which I finished!!! However, now I'm considering just waiting until after musical cause I might have to take it out for the show and I would NOT want it to close up.
6) More time! I'm ridiculously busy right now! I've been putting things off so much. Doctor's appointments, getting my hair cut, shopping, cleaning my room (even with all the time in the world that'd be a struggle for me though!)
7)Springtime! I want it to be warm enough to wear my pink flowery dress again! I don't do this whole winter thing well!
8) Strike that I want to leave this state! Which comes at end of Summer. Scary but exciting! Don't get me wrong I love you garden state and I do love my life in New Prov, but it's been far too long and I need the change and the excitement of a place where no one knows my middle name! I need a fresh start too.
wow what an insightful look into my psyche that's pretty scary. Well, recently I've been very blaze about how people feel about me. If people want to judge me they can. Yes but all is well on the home front and maybe I'll try to stay more consistent with my blogging... yeah about that!