
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I need to step up my game...

So it's been way too long since I've blogged. A fact that Sonya will certainly agree with. I'm officially a senior as seen through my daily treks to school in my own car and my obsession with the college application process. I spend most of my time at marching band or else preparing for band. Saturday was our first performance! It was so last first performance. Gosh I'm so nostalgic this year. Somehow it's only a couple of weeks into the school year and I"m already stressed about most of my classes. Thursday is my photo deadline and I still have to write and essay develop prints of my friends dressed as freaks and/or cross dressers, make a contact sheet, and make more dry plate prints. Yes, readers, that is a lot of photo babble and you're probs only picked up on cross dressing but that's okay. Between band and college stuff I barely have time for all my school work :/ hence the lack of blog posts. Currently I'm watching How I Met Your Mother...I'm so glad it's back! Tonight at midnight the new fun. single comes out I'm so excited! And tomorrow is Glee and New Girl so ready! Well, I need to actually do some work now!