
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Promise Kept

Yes, believe it or not I'm actually blogging! Last blog was at the two week point of college and now I'm past the two month point! I don't really know what I have to report. I go to my classes, I go to various activities. Some times I do go to parties... scandalous I know! But actually I am becoming a little scandalous at times. I still am desperately in need of a good adventure! Hopefully one will present itself soon...
Right now we're in the middle of Hurricane Sandy mode. We lost power yesterday and have been off from class Monday-Wednesday and probably beyond. Ughhhh it's quite inconvenient. I slept on Christina's floor last night and probs will tonight too. Yep that's how much I dislike my floor/ building. For the blog records I don't have a roomie (She moved out right before fall break, apparently because of my perfume). This leaves me with a "dingle" aka a double single for now. They could fill it somewhere down the road which is kind of scary. Yeah, I'm not really friends with most of the girls on my floor. The one girl I'm probably closest with spent last night in Watson, and I saw some other girls heading out of Mckeen too. That's right our building sucks so much that we can't bear to be trapped here during a hurricane. It's a rough life.
I love my friends here at school, they're so sweet and nice! I guess I'm still kind of homesick though. Everything is so different from how I expected it to be. I complained a lot about being "stuck" with the same people for all of middle school and high school. But there was a certain security that came with that, I don't think I appreciated it enough. And while it's great to be making new friends, I really miss my old ones :/ But I can't wait to be reunited at Thanksgiving!
My classes are still pretty good. The storm has moved my Geology exam from Monday to Friday...if we have class on Friday. I really need to do well on this one! My FYS theatre-y class is mehhhh. My professor is a little odd. She doesn't wear real shoes or a bra and she's not very good at explaining things. But at least we can all bond over how crazy she is. History is great. We just had our midterm on Friday, wasn't too bad. FAMS is ahhhmazing. We watch the best movies and I did really well on my midterm and it's so interesting and I love it. :)
Hmmmm... I don't really have any other "big" news. Laf is a very quintessential college... actually borderline cliche. But it's nice, very nice. I'll post pictures when I'm not in constant fear of my phone battery going! Stay safe if you're affected by the storm!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The things they don't tell you...

FIRST COLLEGIATE BLOG POST!!! Look at me college girl blogging. Now it's the same old boring blog but from a college student's perspective! Okay so I think I have a really apropos simile so in the spirit of being ridiculously poetic... Time is like honey. It's moving so fast, but so slow! I've only been here 2 weeks and 2 days but it oddly feels like 2 months while also feeling like I just got here. It's very odd. I'm still getting settled...ughhh. See you expect it to go like this... you get out of your mom's car. You immediately catch a frisbee tossed by some gorgeous golden haired boy. The kids who perfectly timed a frisbee toss so you'd accidentally catch it become your best friends. You have all the same interest and then everyone gathers round and sings and dances, cue credits. Well no, that's not how it works. Making friends is HARD. It's better now I've met some really nice people and I'm starting to find my niche, but there's no crazy random happenstance that will magically get you acclimated to college. Rome wasn't built in a day and apparently neither is my social life. But like I said I think I have a few keepers now. On the sunnier side of the quad (see what I did there!), my classes are ahmazing! My mandatory science class isn't awful. C'mon it's geology! Literally we went on a field trip to look at rocks for our first lab. We just hiked around saying, "That's a nice boulder!" And our professor just tells really corny geology jokes. Then my FYS or first year seminar is a theatre class. It's not too bad. I'm friends with a lot of people from that class. It's a more than decent amount of work outside of class but it's really not that bad. And it's a nice way to have opportunities to get involved in the college theatre seen. My history class is AWESOME. It was supposed to be 1450 to present but they revised it to 1750 to present. YEAH!!! And instead of a final I just have a paper. We have to pick a specific city and then focus a paper around that. I need to start thinking about that.  I'm in love with  my FAMS class is everything I dreamed it would be and more <3. We talk about music, and photography, and movies which is like my entire life pretty much. And we watch really good movies and I love it. YAY! And twice a week I have concert choir. The director is really nice and fun. I'm singing alto though... I haven't sung alto in about two years! I'm starting to get busier with clubs and stuff. I'm not exactly sure what clubs I'm in officially . The main ones I'm in right now I guess are Art Society, Theatre Underground, Marquis Players, Dance Co., photography club... you know weird artsy kid things. Then there's the little everyday things. Like feeling my legs are never completely shaved because I hate the college showers. Or not being able to do two loads of laundry since 2/5 washing machines have vomit covered sheets in them. Late night Wawa adventures... you know college things! Now that I'm spending less time being sad and more time being awesome instead hopefully I can blog more so I don't forget things. High School went by way too quickly so I don't want to forget to chronicle anything!
In front of Old Pardee
Pretty campus requirement...check! 
The college essentials. CARPE DIEM is my mantra for the year since that's what Papa Nat told me to do
It's a bumble bee!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My favorite thing is to go where I've never been

The title is my current mantra quote! It's from one of my favorite photographers Diane Arbus. For some reason it always makes me feel better when I'm starting something new. And I need all the inspiration I can get because tomorrow is my first day of college life! Currently my life is in boxes! I've been running around all day trying to say my good byes and box everything up. I actually have a ridiculous amount of stuff! I don't think I've ever felt this nervous or excited in my entire life. I guess I'm mostly nervous about making friends. I feel like such a kindergartner! Except worse because I'm actually living somewhere new! I was reading the syllabus for my FYS (which FYI is a First Year Seminar) which got me simultaneously pumped and intimidated. On the bright side it's a theatre class so it kinda forces my foot in the door. But there was all this talk of viewing classes, and production hours, and my professor expects us to read the Times daily! My roomie is already moved in for a preorientation program. So hopefully that will make move in easier... I don't really have much else to report. It's really late and I still need to shower so I can't really summer recap...
Oh wait I had a day that was too good not to blog about. I went into NYC got half price second row tickets for Peter and the Starcatcher, got my playbill signed by every cast member and a picture with Adam Chanler Berat (one of my broadway crushes), and free tickets to the MOMA. It was such a lucky good day! Also I'm 18 now! Woohoo adulthood! I had a nice day of hanging out with friends and family. Definitely one of my best birthdays ever!
There are so many things I meant to do this Summer but never got a chance to do. But everyone was always so busy and some things just never coordinated! Oh well I'm leaving tomorrow with no regrets ready for some brighter horizons.
Easton or Bust!

Oh but I need to blog more at school because how else will Sonya Han know what's going on in my life?!?! (Sonya Han always needs to know what's going on in my life)
me and CP at my birthday party that was much earlier than my birthday
12 for 12 :)
I'm gonna miss coffee runs with my New Prov friends
Train ride home from seeing Into the Woods. I'm going to miss this boy so much!
Me, Adam Chanler Berat (aka PETER PAN!), and Caitlin
Perfect for brewing my favorite Earl Grey 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Somethings can't be explained they can only be experienced

So much to summarize! I'm officially now a high school graduate! How crazy is that?!?! I walked to get my diploma with Dave Barletta the dream boat football star. (Now that we're no longer classmates I can say that right?) I looked very short next to him because he's 6'5'' and well I'm not... Then we were all whisked off to project graduation. A mythical land of air brush tattoos, massages, and sports that I'm not coordinated enough to play. Sunday after graduation, the fam came to celebrate. It was nice seeing everyone and a little congratulatory money is sitting waiting to go to the bank. Summer started off slow, but is starting to pick up. I'm working two jobs (Surprising since I'm usually so lazy). In the mornings I babysit and drive the girl to the pool. I really don't like waking up early, but she's a sweet little almost 5th grader and it's super easy money. And then I'm doing reception work at a pediatrician's office. I mostly just file charts alphabetically. It's painfully boring. But at least this job I can work hours during college breaks when I know I'll need money. Speaking of college! I can almost taste the instant ramen! I received my tentative schedule! Most importantly I got into FAMS 101. I literally cheered out loud when I saw that I'm starting my career as a young film maker! Then I have a history class. Geology 101 for my lab requirement. I hope that class isn't that bad. Also I have my first year seminar which is actually a theatre class. This one was my 3rd choice, but I'm sure it will be fine! Today I got my housing assignment. My dorm is close to the main quad and has air conditioning. And my roommate is also from New Jersey and seems fairly normal so far! Ahhhh August come faster! I've actually been doing a pretty good job of staying active this Summer! Lots of gym trips for the elliptical and I'm doing yoga twice a week with Caitlin. Tuesday started Summer dance classes. Ballet was really hard because the class was a lot more intense than what I was used to (there were jumps I had never heard of! Really a scion?). But, I pushed through and just didn't care if they judged me! I made up for my less than performance worthy ballet class by having a good jazz class. I <3 Jazz!

Well I solved my existential life crisis. I decided it's all in my head. Now, most people would view this as a bad thing but you've probably figured out, I'm not most people! So I'm no longer all caught up in "trying to find my place" and "discovering who I am". I'm a teenager the whole identity thing is still being formed. It's ridiculous to stress over something like that. Having deep philosophical debates with yourself doesn't make you deep it just gives you a headache! However, I do feel very distanced from my peers. I feel awkward and like I don't fit in. I feel like people don't really like me. Or at least they don't like me as much as others. Just that second rate inadequate feeling. Maybe it's just having been in New Prov for too long. Maybe it's knowing these people too well picking up on their subtleties and social cues. Maybe it's that they've known me too long. Having seen me in all my peaks and valleys having grown bored with me. It could be them; not being interesting or bright enough for me. Is it wrong to say that? There are just an abundance of uninspiring people I am forced to come in contact with. I know I'm not helping my case towards being a nice person. Or is it me? Am I the one who is just too strange? Is it that I am a fake, a psuedointellectual with unreasonable standards for the perfectly acceptable people around me? I don't know. It sucks feeling like a stranger surrounded by those you're supposed to call your posse, your clique, your best friends. I live in the moment and I think few do. I think many of us are just so ready to leave it is hard to continue hanging out with this collection of people who are not yet part of our past and certainly not a part of our futures. Again, too harsh?
banana s'more YUM
Hunter: my oldest, faithfulest, bestest friend
Lola all decked out for graduation
My cap! My favorite thing is to go where I've never been
Me and my gurlies post tubing
New obsession! Summer goal
I just really like this picture! okay?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A little fall of rain...

CRAAAZY TIMES! I have a week and a half left of High School left? When did that happen? Since when have I been considered fit to graduate? I've had my last voice recital, my last choir concert, my last memorial day parade (maybe I'm actually done with guard now), first and last dance recital. Special senior things like awards nights and PROM! Prom was lovely by the way. James was such a dream date. We had an amazing time together; I love him so much! My feet killed from my heels but hey I did what I had to do! The next day I had my dance recital (my first since I was 5!) I was really proud of myself for finally taking a chance and signing up for classes. It was something I wanted to do for a long time and it felt good to finally live the dream. And c'mon I got to wear legwarmers and that's what counts. Then there was a ton of post prom drama... I felt absolutely miserable. What's supposed to be one of the happiest times in my life I spent crying...typical me. ...So I'm kind of in a 30 Rock obsession phase. I found it on netflix and I just watch episode after episode. Yes, I have a problem. Wednesday I went to the ballet in the city with James. We saw Midsummer's nights dream. It was magical. I thought I'd have more to post but everything's been such a blur. Things  really have gone by way too fast. Today I went shopping with my mom but now we've already started buying stuff for college. Am I actually ready to move out of New Providence? Only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I'm bored so randommm picture time!

Musings from purgatory

...okay so I'm not really in purgatory just math class! Math class is pretty similar though. I'm almost one month away from graduation which is ridiculous! I had two voice recitals last week they went well. I'm done with my AP tests which means I'm chilling heavy. This weekend is relay for life and it'll be fun spending extra time with all my buddies while fighting cancer! Dance recital and prom and into the woods are around the corner oh those children will be the death of me it's a good thing they're cute! Also over the summer James and I are going to see into the woods with Amy Adams as the baker's wife I'm super excited!!! James and I are singing a song from sweet charity too but my book is missing. In fact a lot of my stuff is missing hopefully I find that stuff soon! Bahhhhhhh I'm such a dreamer I'm just so ready to leave and start an adventure! I've been here and with these people for way too long and I just need to get out and follow my dreams! Don't get me wrong there's a lot I'll miss about good old new prov (nice place nice people new providence) but I need a change of pace. Right now I'm listening to Of Monsters and Men I love them! Well this killed most of math class and now I have physiology...

Monday, April 23, 2012

She lives her life like a movie

SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED! The biggest news of course is that I got into the college of my dreams! (Literally since I had two dreams about Lafayette!) That's right I'm going to be a Leopard :). So it turns out everything worked out after all! I got into a top-notch school with a name my dad can be proud of. I am so excited for my college future of making friends, watching and creating beautiful films, and potentially an a capella choir! I also flew halfway around the world and back! Despite two 14ish hour plane rides the Japan trip was by far one of the best experiences of my life! It's such a beautiful place; there's mountains, cherry blossoms, and shinto gates everywhere! The people are incredibly friendly despite the fact that I butcher their language at every opportunity. We started the trip in Tokyo. Tokyo was nice. Personally, I wasn't crazy about the big city it was a little too busy for me. Kyoto was much more my style very traditional and pretty. We went out to a shrine in kamekura (hopefully spelled that right) where we climbed up to this shrine on a hill and we could see the Pacific Ocean. It was incredibly beautiful. Also we visited Ueno park which is gorgeous this time of year with all the cherry blossoms in bloom. The trip out to Hiroshima was very moving. I cried in the museum, so sad. Then we ventured to our host stay in Fukui. My host student was once again polite but generally quite. His sister though was a total sweetheart! She drove us around and really took care of us. And our host mom made me feel like Courtney and I were the most exciting thing to happen to their house. She fed us so well! Our last day in Japan was spent in Kyoto again. We went on this amazing night hike, so cool! The food there was amazing. I won't be able to eat sushi here for a long time! Also there was ice cream everywhere! I grew quite fond of the black sesame or goma ice cream. In Kyoto Mitchell sensei took all the seniors out for yaki niku. We paid a flat fee and then ate as much meat as we could in 90 minutes. So delicious, but also kind of gross... I really enjoyed bonding with Mr. Mitchell on the trip. He put in a lot of effort to make the trip the best it could be for us. Good ol' Lighting Mike. But by the end of the trip I was pretty ready to return to normalcy. My sleep schedule is still a mess since I got into this vicious nap cycle. Not all is perfect though (C'mon this IS my life). One of my closest friendships is pretty much a mess. Now it wasn't my fault, but it still hurts. We're not even talking right now. I don't know if that's good or not..It still hurts to think about the way things were so I know I need some time to heal. But on the other hand I miss him dearly and would love even just a text message. I was quite a mess after the big fall out. Sonya had to push me around Target in a shopping cart to try to make me feel better. It just hurts that after all this time it doesn't matter that I know his favorite color, or what shows he likes, or how he likes his fucking bagels. He made his choices... wow, things just got intense... moving on. My senioritis is in full swing! (Pretty obvious considering I'm blogging right now...) I am so behind on smart fm! Half my classes are a joke. I have to do a "legacy" project for humanities and I'm still figuring that out. I nap sooo much. All I want is to watch good movies and tv. Well 2 months to graduation!!! ahhhhh almost out! Senioritis is a serious issue, don't let it get to you!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Making Sonya Proud

Looking sexy in that Victorian era way
nothing says hipster like bonnets, instagram, and highwaisted shorts
selfies it's what we do
who's that wannabe Asian in the background
He was just too cool for me :(
Damn it we're cute!

Look Sonya I posted Pictures!!! Any way! I've been absolutely crazy which is how I always am so it's really not that crazy. Since the last time I posted I've ended my high school musical career, got into colleges, hosted foreigners and continued every day events. My last musical was bittersweet. Let's just say my time with the music/theatre dept. hasn't exactly been a dream come true. But our show this year was a lot of fun and I'm already missing some of my cast mates. Saturday I came home from the cast party to find my mom had opened another of my college letters. Woohoo! It was my acceptance to Gettysburg. That Monday I wore a GBurg tshirt like a total tool, but I didn't care. I also got accepted to Susquehanna, and Union (my safeties), Skidmore, and Franklin and Marshall. F&M is probs my 2nd choice school. I got waitlisted for a bunch of schools, rejected from one, and have the last and most important one in the mail. I'm really, really nervous and just want this whole thing to be over! Also that Saturday I was kind of asked to Prom. True, it was by my gay best friend, but at least I'm not going alone! I told my mom that James and I were going as friends and she just said "Is there another way to go to prom with James?" I love him he's so funny! For the records, he's going to be amazingly famous and successful one day I'm calling it. Yes, but Sunday after the show I met my exchange students Fumiya and Kuzen. Sonya and I spent most of the exchange worrying that our students didn't like us! This year, I tried really hard to practice and be legit with my Japanese speaking. However, my students weren't very talkative. It was really awkward cause they would both sit in the backseat of my car. Chauffeur style! But then they left me a thank you note on my dresser and I was really happy. Also Kuzen facebook messaged me so I knew he cared in the end! Thursday they left. That night my dance teacher wasn't there so the studio owner taught our class. She can be kind of intimidating. She made us do a ton of reps and really focused on our technique. Gosh, I need my double pirouette! Then I went home showered and got ready for Hunger Games with Sonya! We really enjoyed the movie but mocked it too. Me:Why don't they have two crowns? Sonya: Budget cuts. Allusions to the Lion King were also made. Friday I had off from school. I did breakfast and started photoshooting with Nicole. I had to go to school and finish my portfolio. I went on a picnic to enjoy the lovely weather. Had a voice lesson. Took some more pictures. Saw Footloose at GL. Saturday was guard, more pictures, and babysitting. Sunday was more pictures (surprised?), and random duties. I really hope these negatives come out nicely. My teacher totally tore apart my last roll. She told me they were boring and anyone could have taken them. At least she's honest. Well here's to hoping...

Sunday, March 11, 2012


How does this keep happening?!?! I try so hard to blog consistently! It's quite difficult considering I'm practically never home! Life is really up and down right now. For a while I was having a really rough go at things, but things are coming together now. I think I'm having an identity crisis or something I just feel kind of isolated and weird. I don't know maybe it's just being so excited to leave New Prov. I think being so close to leaving makes all the seniors go crazy. People openly don't like each other now and are starting to distance themselves. I even feel more critical. On the plus side the weather is starting to warm up! I spent a lot of time outside today and it was absolutely gorgeous! I took a roll of film in the Watchung Reservation. I took a lot of pictures of this water tower with a ton of graffiti on it. Someone wrote "swag you would kill for." New Mantra?  I'm making a portfolio as a last ditch effort to get into college. One of my photographs qualified as a finalist for a competition. I looked at some of the competing prints, they were all so beautiful it was hard to believe my print was included with them. Also most of them were digital and color. I would die to have a DSLR camera, but since they cost an arm and a leg I'll just keep drooling. This week is production week for the musical! Which means it's almost over! But seriously I don't think the show's gonna be that bad this year. Then right after the musical I'm picking up my Japanese boys! I think hosting will be fun this year since I can drive them around! Hopefully after that things will be a little calmer. But then it'll be time to get ready for my Japan trip!!! Mama Nat ordered my ticket yesterday! We're going to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Fukui! I'm ridiculously excited. I bought a purse with Sonya to lug all my stuff around in. Right now I'm procrastinating a Euro project but I should probs get on that ughhhhhhhhhh! Time to draw pictures of Napoleon...yay...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

way too long!

It's been way to long since I've blogged! I'm not even sure what to post about! So much has happened! The birthdays of the two biggest fans of life and times! (Sonya and Nicole: I'll hit you up when I'm legal ;)) I got accepted to a college including their honors program and a scholarship (but it's my safety school so I hopefully won't even have to consider going), got deferred from another school. Took midterms and officially became a second semester senior. Ahhh it feels good to blog! I've barely been home which means I barely have time to sleep let alone document my busy life. In Psychology we're learning about motivation and desires so I'm going to make a list of things I want right now.
1) To get into my top choice school (I'm being weird and superstitious, but I feel like if I post the name I'll jinx myself!). I changed my app to Early Decision which increases my chances and means I find out at the end of the month. I'm ridiculously nervous especially since I got deferred from one of my other schools. Which by the way sent me into a self pitying low self-esteem mode. Which is stupid and I hated feeling that terrible and I complained to some supportive friends perhaps a tad too much. Any way I had two separate dreams that I got into the school so hopefully this will be a dream come true. I'm taking it as a good omen! If I get in I'm buying so much school spirit crap for me and everyone I know!
2) A love letter! I was on StumbleUpon a very amusing website that totally enables procrastination. And found this website about a girl who wrote 300 love letters. They were to friends, strangers, everyone, no one, and yes boyfriends. Also I've been watching more than my normal amount of RomComs which appeals to my sentimental side. And Valentine's Day spirit is in the air. Oh well! This one is out of my hands!
3) A ukulele! I really want one to play cool songs on. I just think I should have a portable instrument I can jam with. And ukuleles are perfect for cute, quirky girls who like singing! So I'll probs order one online with my babysitting money soon. Finding the right one is tricky though!
4) New TOMS! The pair I have are actually falling apart! I was looking at 3 pairs earlier today, but it's a big decision!I wear my current pair practically every day.
5) My cartilage pierced. I promised myself I'd get on that after I applied to colleges which I finished!!! However, now I'm considering just waiting until after musical cause I might have to take it out for the show and I would NOT want it to close up.
6) More time! I'm ridiculously busy right now! I've been putting things off so much. Doctor's appointments, getting my hair cut, shopping, cleaning my room (even with all the time in the world that'd be a struggle for me though!)
7)Springtime! I want it to be warm enough to wear my pink flowery dress again! I don't do this whole winter thing well!
8) Strike that I want to leave this state! Which comes at end of Summer. Scary but exciting! Don't get me wrong I love you garden state and I do love my life in New Prov, but it's been far too long and I need the change and the excitement of a place where no one knows my middle name! I need a fresh start too.
wow what an insightful look into my psyche that's pretty scary. Well, recently I've been very blaze about how people feel about me. If people want to judge me they can. Yes but all is well on the home front and maybe I'll try to stay more consistent with my blogging... yeah about that! 

Monday, January 9, 2012


Bright and early for Friday I left for the 2012 Model United Nations conference. I lugged all my stuff to the school and prepared myself for the long and cold bus ride. My stuff included my huge photography book, and my fuji camera. (What? Can't miss a day!). I found my friend Josh who was in my committee last year and this year so we caught up. As per usual New Prov delegation arrived late and missed the brunch. (Good scheduling Mitchell sensei). So before heading to committee I stopped at the Hershey Lodge coffee shop, the Cocoa Beanery, for a chocolate chai and a chocolate croissant. YUM! Everything from that cafe is amazing. From there on out my weekend was eat, sleep, committee. My committee was Envirotech for the 3rd year. Envirotech is like the best committee ever <3. We debate cool topics and have tons of fun. And this year my country was Norway. Norway had really good views for the topics and it's always amazing to have a 1st world country! There were a bunch of people who came back from last year. It was great to work with them again. On the 1st resolution we debated I passed an amendment! 3/4 authors deemed the amendment friendly so we still had to enter unfriendly amendment debate. The dissenting author was really kind of annoying so I'm happy my amendment passed. :D. Over the weekend I passed 2 other resolutions. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Meyers are so chill as advisers though. Friday night Abs and I went to the St. Joe's hallway so my buddy Josh (his country was Myanmar hahaha) could drop off his stuff. While walking down the hallway we had several questionable comments made as us. We were referred to as "babes" and to phrase it delicately Josh was sent some encouraging words. Pretty objectifying, but also kind of flattering. Then in the hallway we ran into one of Abby's friends from committee so we went to the lobby with some nice looking catholic school boys. Oh, also while on that floor we smelled a ton of pot! Who says MUN is for geeks? Besides committee the most exciting part of Saturday is the dance/activity time. The dance is pretty sketchy. Lots of dirty dancing and hook ups with strangers. Well, none of that for me. Though I was sort of asked to the dance... Well a boy from my committee asked me if I'd be going to the dance. He also sent me a character development award in committee. Their like little compliment sheets. Haha but he didn't even say hi to me at the dance, so who knows what went down. After dance time once again Abby, Josh, and I ended up in the St. Joe's hallway. We found some of the guys we were talking to Friday. I kind of flirted with one of them... hey c'mon don't judge! He was cute and I knew nothing would come of it. Last day is always really fun. We just kind of joke around and pass fake resolutions. And we all get really sad when we say good bye. It's really weird that I won't be going back next year. I'm sad it's over but my last year was fantastic. I'm pretty sure everyone in my committee liked me, all my outfits were adorable, and I was really successful. At least it was an amazing last year.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

T'was the season for not blogging tralalala

Haven't blogged in so long! haven't even blogged about Christmas. Christmas shopping and wrapping was so stressful this year! Kicking off the holiday season was an ugly sweater party. I wore one of Nicole's mom's sweater. I looked pretty awesome :P. Once again, I ended up with Nicole and Sonya taking Christmas pictures on people's lawn, but this time Abs was there too. Christmas was awesome! I got an instaprint Fuji camera and Hunter rainboots! I spent Christmas chilling, watching movies, and just enjoying the day. Also at secret Santa I got sweet oxford boots from Sonya. I gave Emma a photography print and some jewelry, I think she really liked it.My buddy Rob also gave me a photography book. I kinda, really love it. Saturday was a trip to the city to see the tree. Nicole really wanted to go! We got lunch at this delicious Korean place. I got some amazing soup! The group was Sonya, Nicole, me, Thomas and Gabe. Good talk :). Then it was time for New Year's Eve at my house. It was incredibly stressful! Some of my friends were being very obnoxious though! At least I had a cute new outfit. I started my one instaprint pic for a year. It's very challenging! We started Pirates of Penzance practices. At the read through I discovered I only have a couple of spoken lines. Which is pretty upsetting I feel pretty sad about it. So current obsession...SCRUBS! I found that it's instantly streamed on netflix. I've been watching so many episodes. It's actually hysterical! But it does prevent me from being totally productive! Tomorrow I leave for MUN! Still need to finish packing...oops. Ughhh I'm so bad at packing!