
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Bright and early for Friday I left for the 2012 Model United Nations conference. I lugged all my stuff to the school and prepared myself for the long and cold bus ride. My stuff included my huge photography book, and my fuji camera. (What? Can't miss a day!). I found my friend Josh who was in my committee last year and this year so we caught up. As per usual New Prov delegation arrived late and missed the brunch. (Good scheduling Mitchell sensei). So before heading to committee I stopped at the Hershey Lodge coffee shop, the Cocoa Beanery, for a chocolate chai and a chocolate croissant. YUM! Everything from that cafe is amazing. From there on out my weekend was eat, sleep, committee. My committee was Envirotech for the 3rd year. Envirotech is like the best committee ever <3. We debate cool topics and have tons of fun. And this year my country was Norway. Norway had really good views for the topics and it's always amazing to have a 1st world country! There were a bunch of people who came back from last year. It was great to work with them again. On the 1st resolution we debated I passed an amendment! 3/4 authors deemed the amendment friendly so we still had to enter unfriendly amendment debate. The dissenting author was really kind of annoying so I'm happy my amendment passed. :D. Over the weekend I passed 2 other resolutions. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Meyers are so chill as advisers though. Friday night Abs and I went to the St. Joe's hallway so my buddy Josh (his country was Myanmar hahaha) could drop off his stuff. While walking down the hallway we had several questionable comments made as us. We were referred to as "babes" and to phrase it delicately Josh was sent some encouraging words. Pretty objectifying, but also kind of flattering. Then in the hallway we ran into one of Abby's friends from committee so we went to the lobby with some nice looking catholic school boys. Oh, also while on that floor we smelled a ton of pot! Who says MUN is for geeks? Besides committee the most exciting part of Saturday is the dance/activity time. The dance is pretty sketchy. Lots of dirty dancing and hook ups with strangers. Well, none of that for me. Though I was sort of asked to the dance... Well a boy from my committee asked me if I'd be going to the dance. He also sent me a character development award in committee. Their like little compliment sheets. Haha but he didn't even say hi to me at the dance, so who knows what went down. After dance time once again Abby, Josh, and I ended up in the St. Joe's hallway. We found some of the guys we were talking to Friday. I kind of flirted with one of them... hey c'mon don't judge! He was cute and I knew nothing would come of it. Last day is always really fun. We just kind of joke around and pass fake resolutions. And we all get really sad when we say good bye. It's really weird that I won't be going back next year. I'm sad it's over but my last year was fantastic. I'm pretty sure everyone in my committee liked me, all my outfits were adorable, and I was really successful. At least it was an amazing last year.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

T'was the season for not blogging tralalala

Haven't blogged in so long! haven't even blogged about Christmas. Christmas shopping and wrapping was so stressful this year! Kicking off the holiday season was an ugly sweater party. I wore one of Nicole's mom's sweater. I looked pretty awesome :P. Once again, I ended up with Nicole and Sonya taking Christmas pictures on people's lawn, but this time Abs was there too. Christmas was awesome! I got an instaprint Fuji camera and Hunter rainboots! I spent Christmas chilling, watching movies, and just enjoying the day. Also at secret Santa I got sweet oxford boots from Sonya. I gave Emma a photography print and some jewelry, I think she really liked it.My buddy Rob also gave me a photography book. I kinda, really love it. Saturday was a trip to the city to see the tree. Nicole really wanted to go! We got lunch at this delicious Korean place. I got some amazing soup! The group was Sonya, Nicole, me, Thomas and Gabe. Good talk :). Then it was time for New Year's Eve at my house. It was incredibly stressful! Some of my friends were being very obnoxious though! At least I had a cute new outfit. I started my one instaprint pic for a year. It's very challenging! We started Pirates of Penzance practices. At the read through I discovered I only have a couple of spoken lines. Which is pretty upsetting I feel pretty sad about it. So current obsession...SCRUBS! I found that it's instantly streamed on netflix. I've been watching so many episodes. It's actually hysterical! But it does prevent me from being totally productive! Tomorrow I leave for MUN! Still need to finish packing...oops. Ughhh I'm so bad at packing!