
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The things they don't tell you...

FIRST COLLEGIATE BLOG POST!!! Look at me college girl blogging. Now it's the same old boring blog but from a college student's perspective! Okay so I think I have a really apropos simile so in the spirit of being ridiculously poetic... Time is like honey. It's moving so fast, but so slow! I've only been here 2 weeks and 2 days but it oddly feels like 2 months while also feeling like I just got here. It's very odd. I'm still getting settled...ughhh. See you expect it to go like this... you get out of your mom's car. You immediately catch a frisbee tossed by some gorgeous golden haired boy. The kids who perfectly timed a frisbee toss so you'd accidentally catch it become your best friends. You have all the same interest and then everyone gathers round and sings and dances, cue credits. Well no, that's not how it works. Making friends is HARD. It's better now I've met some really nice people and I'm starting to find my niche, but there's no crazy random happenstance that will magically get you acclimated to college. Rome wasn't built in a day and apparently neither is my social life. But like I said I think I have a few keepers now. On the sunnier side of the quad (see what I did there!), my classes are ahmazing! My mandatory science class isn't awful. C'mon it's geology! Literally we went on a field trip to look at rocks for our first lab. We just hiked around saying, "That's a nice boulder!" And our professor just tells really corny geology jokes. Then my FYS or first year seminar is a theatre class. It's not too bad. I'm friends with a lot of people from that class. It's a more than decent amount of work outside of class but it's really not that bad. And it's a nice way to have opportunities to get involved in the college theatre seen. My history class is AWESOME. It was supposed to be 1450 to present but they revised it to 1750 to present. YEAH!!! And instead of a final I just have a paper. We have to pick a specific city and then focus a paper around that. I need to start thinking about that.  I'm in love with  my FAMS class is everything I dreamed it would be and more <3. We talk about music, and photography, and movies which is like my entire life pretty much. And we watch really good movies and I love it. YAY! And twice a week I have concert choir. The director is really nice and fun. I'm singing alto though... I haven't sung alto in about two years! I'm starting to get busier with clubs and stuff. I'm not exactly sure what clubs I'm in officially . The main ones I'm in right now I guess are Art Society, Theatre Underground, Marquis Players, Dance Co., photography club... you know weird artsy kid things. Then there's the little everyday things. Like feeling my legs are never completely shaved because I hate the college showers. Or not being able to do two loads of laundry since 2/5 washing machines have vomit covered sheets in them. Late night Wawa adventures... you know college things! Now that I'm spending less time being sad and more time being awesome instead hopefully I can blog more so I don't forget things. High School went by way too quickly so I don't want to forget to chronicle anything!
In front of Old Pardee
Pretty campus requirement...check! 
The college essentials. CARPE DIEM is my mantra for the year since that's what Papa Nat told me to do
It's a bumble bee!!!