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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I'm bored so randommm picture time!

Musings from purgatory

...okay so I'm not really in purgatory just math class! Math class is pretty similar though. I'm almost one month away from graduation which is ridiculous! I had two voice recitals last week they went well. I'm done with my AP tests which means I'm chilling heavy. This weekend is relay for life and it'll be fun spending extra time with all my buddies while fighting cancer! Dance recital and prom and into the woods are around the corner oh those children will be the death of me it's a good thing they're cute! Also over the summer James and I are going to see into the woods with Amy Adams as the baker's wife I'm super excited!!! James and I are singing a song from sweet charity too but my book is missing. In fact a lot of my stuff is missing hopefully I find that stuff soon! Bahhhhhhh I'm such a dreamer I'm just so ready to leave and start an adventure! I've been here and with these people for way too long and I just need to get out and follow my dreams! Don't get me wrong there's a lot I'll miss about good old new prov (nice place nice people new providence) but I need a change of pace. Right now I'm listening to Of Monsters and Men I love them! Well this killed most of math class and now I have physiology...