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Monday, April 23, 2012

She lives her life like a movie

SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED! The biggest news of course is that I got into the college of my dreams! (Literally since I had two dreams about Lafayette!) That's right I'm going to be a Leopard :). So it turns out everything worked out after all! I got into a top-notch school with a name my dad can be proud of. I am so excited for my college future of making friends, watching and creating beautiful films, and potentially an a capella choir! I also flew halfway around the world and back! Despite two 14ish hour plane rides the Japan trip was by far one of the best experiences of my life! It's such a beautiful place; there's mountains, cherry blossoms, and shinto gates everywhere! The people are incredibly friendly despite the fact that I butcher their language at every opportunity. We started the trip in Tokyo. Tokyo was nice. Personally, I wasn't crazy about the big city it was a little too busy for me. Kyoto was much more my style very traditional and pretty. We went out to a shrine in kamekura (hopefully spelled that right) where we climbed up to this shrine on a hill and we could see the Pacific Ocean. It was incredibly beautiful. Also we visited Ueno park which is gorgeous this time of year with all the cherry blossoms in bloom. The trip out to Hiroshima was very moving. I cried in the museum, so sad. Then we ventured to our host stay in Fukui. My host student was once again polite but generally quite. His sister though was a total sweetheart! She drove us around and really took care of us. And our host mom made me feel like Courtney and I were the most exciting thing to happen to their house. She fed us so well! Our last day in Japan was spent in Kyoto again. We went on this amazing night hike, so cool! The food there was amazing. I won't be able to eat sushi here for a long time! Also there was ice cream everywhere! I grew quite fond of the black sesame or goma ice cream. In Kyoto Mitchell sensei took all the seniors out for yaki niku. We paid a flat fee and then ate as much meat as we could in 90 minutes. So delicious, but also kind of gross... I really enjoyed bonding with Mr. Mitchell on the trip. He put in a lot of effort to make the trip the best it could be for us. Good ol' Lighting Mike. But by the end of the trip I was pretty ready to return to normalcy. My sleep schedule is still a mess since I got into this vicious nap cycle. Not all is perfect though (C'mon this IS my life). One of my closest friendships is pretty much a mess. Now it wasn't my fault, but it still hurts. We're not even talking right now. I don't know if that's good or not..It still hurts to think about the way things were so I know I need some time to heal. But on the other hand I miss him dearly and would love even just a text message. I was quite a mess after the big fall out. Sonya had to push me around Target in a shopping cart to try to make me feel better. It just hurts that after all this time it doesn't matter that I know his favorite color, or what shows he likes, or how he likes his fucking bagels. He made his choices... wow, things just got intense... moving on. My senioritis is in full swing! (Pretty obvious considering I'm blogging right now...) I am so behind on smart fm! Half my classes are a joke. I have to do a "legacy" project for humanities and I'm still figuring that out. I nap sooo much. All I want is to watch good movies and tv. Well 2 months to graduation!!! ahhhhh almost out! Senioritis is a serious issue, don't let it get to you!