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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Promise Kept

Yes, believe it or not I'm actually blogging! Last blog was at the two week point of college and now I'm past the two month point! I don't really know what I have to report. I go to my classes, I go to various activities. Some times I do go to parties... scandalous I know! But actually I am becoming a little scandalous at times. I still am desperately in need of a good adventure! Hopefully one will present itself soon...
Right now we're in the middle of Hurricane Sandy mode. We lost power yesterday and have been off from class Monday-Wednesday and probably beyond. Ughhhh it's quite inconvenient. I slept on Christina's floor last night and probs will tonight too. Yep that's how much I dislike my floor/ building. For the blog records I don't have a roomie (She moved out right before fall break, apparently because of my perfume). This leaves me with a "dingle" aka a double single for now. They could fill it somewhere down the road which is kind of scary. Yeah, I'm not really friends with most of the girls on my floor. The one girl I'm probably closest with spent last night in Watson, and I saw some other girls heading out of Mckeen too. That's right our building sucks so much that we can't bear to be trapped here during a hurricane. It's a rough life.
I love my friends here at school, they're so sweet and nice! I guess I'm still kind of homesick though. Everything is so different from how I expected it to be. I complained a lot about being "stuck" with the same people for all of middle school and high school. But there was a certain security that came with that, I don't think I appreciated it enough. And while it's great to be making new friends, I really miss my old ones :/ But I can't wait to be reunited at Thanksgiving!
My classes are still pretty good. The storm has moved my Geology exam from Monday to Friday...if we have class on Friday. I really need to do well on this one! My FYS theatre-y class is mehhhh. My professor is a little odd. She doesn't wear real shoes or a bra and she's not very good at explaining things. But at least we can all bond over how crazy she is. History is great. We just had our midterm on Friday, wasn't too bad. FAMS is ahhhmazing. We watch the best movies and I did really well on my midterm and it's so interesting and I love it. :)
Hmmmm... I don't really have any other "big" news. Laf is a very quintessential college... actually borderline cliche. But it's nice, very nice. I'll post pictures when I'm not in constant fear of my phone battery going! Stay safe if you're affected by the storm!