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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day with the Turkey

Thanksgiving! My Thanksgiving Eve was pretty magical. I went to Tito's Burritos with some lovely young women. We started singing a Christmas carol and some stranger came and joined us; it was a magical moment. Then Sonya's mom was being mad at her, poor thing. So I picked up Greased Lightening (my dad's Toyota Camry lolz) I drove Nicole and Courtney to the Friendly's parking lot. We loitered for a very long time. During that time we prank called my good friend Jonathan. I pretended to be a live turkey salesgirl selling him a turkey to slaughter named Hank Sgiving named Cheryl Cheryl Campbell (So nice they named her twice...her parents weren't very creative). At one point I was shouting about Billy Mays... Good times. Then Thomas, Gabe, and, Brian showed up and we went to Dunkin' for 10:00 free donuts. It was cool hanging out with the boys I usually don't hang out with them. The next day was THANKSGIVING! I woke up ridiculously early for marching band. It was my  last band show ever! Gosh, can't believe it's over :(. At the end of the football game Jon slapped Brian! What a happy Slapsgiving! As slap bet commissioner I gave a countdown for the slap. It was great, highlight of my day! The slap bet was made over a math test haha they're such geeks, but they're mine so it's okay. I also got to see some NPHSers who had returned from college. Then I came home ate kielbasa (mmm...mamma Nat makes it for all holidays. My Ukrainian heritage is delicious!), took a shower, and a nap! When I woke up Aunt Ellen, Uncle Steve, and my cousin Matthew were at my house. Yep I was napping when they arrived...sorry not sorry. We had a lovely, traditional, American Thanksgiving. My favorite are the sweet potatoes! I actually watched football on the television! I know impressive for me. Everyone was really upset when the dolphins lost (I pretended to care about football...well, I do sorta care about football). Then my cousin Katherine and her boyfriend came. I met him last year, he's really nice I'd be happy if they got engaged. That's probably a long way off, but I'm overly romantic. After everyone left, I watched Bridesmaids. It was very funny, I love Kristen Wiig. Friday meant the Holiday Walk. I love the Holiday Walk! And since 'm a senior I got to carry an extremely large candy cane. It was officially my last band activity. CRAZY! Then we got our traditional Santa picture in town! I love Christmas! We went to the diner after that. Oh, I should clarify "we" means me, Sonya, Nicole, Emma, MarkyMark, Victor, and Abs. After that we went to Abby's house for left over desserts and rock band. Dan joined us at this point. He's done with all his college apps lucky jerk! Today, was very busy for me! I took my shoes to a shoe repair place. Why? Because someone spilled their stupid soup in a school hallway and didn't even have the courtesy to clean up their stupid mess! So not only did I embarrass myself (I was walking with Brian and I slipped and fell. Surprisingly though he didn't laugh he actually offered to help me up like a semigentleman Surprise cause he's not always the nicest. Probs the nicest moment we had together...anyway) so I got my boot's covered in someone else's stupid soup. My beautiful suede boots! I'm still upset obviously. I went to Brunch with Emma, Sam, and Cara Esposito. We're not a first name basis yet, but she's nice. Then Emma and I went to the mall to find dresses for band awards. I found a pretty dress, I also got a new top, a slouchy knit hat! and some makeup. Successful day. Very successful day. Also How I Met Your Mother is now instantly streamed on Netflix, needless to say I've watched WAY too many episodes today! Just kidding no such thing as too much HIMYM. Challenge Accepted! 


  1. 1. I respect your camery's name. Greased Lightening lmao. Maybe i should get around to naming mine...
    2. I'm very jelly that you found a dress! Want to go shopping with me tomorrow at livingston so I can find one too ? Band awards in four days! eep!
    3. Lol i forgot what else i was going to say, but a two-item list just seemed dumb, so i added a third point.

  2. 1. Thanks pappanat named it actually
    2. hmmm idk if i can i think i might do something with kim and i need to photoshoot in summit and do college apps sorry!
    3. things in threes are always good!
