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Thursday, November 17, 2011

a beautiful ending

So exciting things that happen in my life! Last Thursday I was in upstate New York visiting colleges! I was at Hamilton and Colgate (these schools probably won't accept me). Then Friday I was at F&M for my interview. Seriously all of these schools tried bribing me with food! Delicious :D. None of this matters because I picked my top choice school. And it's... just kidding maybe I' being superstitious but I feel like blogging about the school and how badly I want to be accepted will be bad luck! Yes but I found out they just added a film and media studies major when all my other schools only offer it as a minor. And since I want to write beautiful scripts a major would in fact be more helpful. Then Saturday we had football and then I had to babysit. The football game was senior farewell.I proudly wore my carnation and left my jazz shoes on the track symbolizing leaving band. It was really weird because it seems like no time has passed since I said goodbye to "Seniors '09". Babysitting was also fine. The kids were really shy, but they told their mom they liked me the next day so that's good.  The parents came home an hour later than they said they were going to and I was so tired! I napped on their couch a little. I got there 7:30 and the kids went to bed at 9:00 so I had plenty of free time. It was my first time babysitting for this family. First off, their house was insanely beautiful. Apparently they moved out for a while because they had a ton of work done on it. But every detail was pretty much perfect. Second, they were total lushes! Seriously they have a separate refrigerator for alcohol, a wine cellar in the basement, and my favorite, an open bottle of vodka in the freezer. Seriously! Good thing I'm not the drinking type! Then Sunday was my last band competition ever! I was emotionally a total mess. I think I cried like 7 times! The first was before I was even dressed. Mr. N (my band director) gave me flowers because I'm captain and I just lost it... I knew it would be a long day. But we won! National Champions! (really we beat 5 other bands but still!!!) I was so proud. I'm also incredibly sad it's over. We still have football games, but it's not the same! Sunday I make my college CD which I'm pretty nervous about. I hope it sounds really good! I'm singing Per Non Pe Nar, Alma del Corre, No One Is Alone (Into the Woods), and I Could Write a Book (Pal Joey). Today senior citizens visited our school. I sang People Will Say We're in Love from Oklahoma with James. It was very cute and funny. I could tell the senior citizens really enjoyed it :). Tomorrow I'm going to see James in RENT and Saturday I'm going to see The Miracle Worker which will be interesting. I'm also going to watch High School Musical: China with Sonya and some other people. It's gonna be amazing! Peace out girl scouts...

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