
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A week in the life

Hmmmm so much has happened and yet nothing at all. Monday was boring. Tuesday was boring. Wednesday was ballet! And the rest of my class didn't show up so I got a private lesson with Ms. Jackie! It was ahmazing and she said I switch to a better class since my technique is really coming along! Then I came home and watched the Michael Buble Christmas special. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with him. He's adorable and his voice is absolutely glorious. I wish he was mine! Also on Wednesday I hung out with my friend Sam. We hadn't really hung out in a while so it was nice to chill and discuss all the drama in our lives. I went to pick my boots up from the shoe repair and now the stains aren't coming out so the entire boot has to be darkened to match : /.  Honestly if I ever find out who spilled that soup I will slap him/her across the face! And I'm usually not the violent type! Yes, so after that disappointment we went to starbucks. Sam's dating Alex. They're cute together, but I made sure she wasn't going too fast. We talked about my lack of a know my favorite conversation (insert sarcastic laugh that eventually my cats will appreciate). Thursday was fine. I had one of those loving life moments. Does anyone else get those? I was driving home from a very good jazz class, had my iced nonfat mocha latte (mocha lattes are my fave), and was listening to Fleet Foxes. It felt sooo right :). Friday was really good. I had a Euro test hopefully I did well on it. I need to get an A this marking period, like really badly. I know I guessed the question on witchcraft right so at least that was right! Earlier in the week we had one of our debates and apparently AP Econ thought we were really loud! Guess we all know who got the more interesting class! Just kidding. So I got home from my voice lesson, took a nap on my couch, and then got all dolled up for Shalom Dragon/ Timequake. My hair looked pretty fantastic again not that there's really any boys to doll up for. Seriously not a lot of prospective men. At least not ones interested in me. Oh well, Nicole was my date and she appreciated my hair. Shalom Dragon/Timequake was really good! I was so proud of my friends! However I wish they would pick a band name so I can avoid all these backslashes... Afterwards we went to the diner. Overall a very nice evening. The next day I woke up fairly early for my Region II choir audition. I'm not really sure why I said I'd try out for it. My audition went pretty well. EXCEPT I asked to restart my solo and the judge said NO! I was supposed to be allowed one restart but oh well, I probs won't make it now :(. Then I came home and napped for a really long time. Then I went and babysat. The parents were hosting a party so I had to keep the kids entertained downstairs. The kids are kind of bratty. And they're kind of boring too. The one kid is a 3rd grade girl, she asked if I had a boyfriend...AWKS! (I like keeping themes running through my blogs) Seriously though at this point boys may be more trouble than they're worth! Yes and the kids were supposed to go to bed at 10 but didn't go to bed until 11. But I made some major bank so I guess it was okay. So that's a week in my life!

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