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Monday, June 13, 2011

Why am I blogging at 10:39? 1) One of my numerous fans demanded it; I care deeply about my fans 2) Tomorrow is my jazz choir audition and I hope that blogging will release tension. Jazz choir is possibly the most difficult musical ensemble to get in at NPHS. This year there are only 2 open girl spots, so it's almost impossible. I know that I sound really good on my pieces, I've been practicing really really hard. My voice teacher thinks I sound good too. I just hope it's enough. 1) I hope I don't make a stupid mistake. In such a high pressure audition one slip up could cost me the spot 2) I know that there's lots of factors that are going to influence who gets selected for the 2 spots and I just hope my singing is enough. Yeah, I wanted to blog about it now because post audition I probably won't have many positive comments... but back to optimism. Sunday was the Tony Awards so exciting! The highlight was NPH and Hugh JAckman singing a duet. I love them both a lot! I'm listening to Book of Mormon right now. It won Best musical and a crapload of other awards. It's a very, very, strange show. I also spent most of my day singing Anything Goes, I'm totally the next Sutton Foster! Today I had to quit something. I can't remember the last time I actually quit something. Remember when I blogged about that terrible audition...yeah, me too. Well that led to a horrible cast list from my perspective. I decided that I had better things to do with my summer than that production at this time. I'll be working during the day, starting to draft my college applications, learning AP Kanji. The main reason I didn't get the part I wanted in this show was dance. I know that dance is the weakest part of my performance. So instead of spending the duration of the production wishing I was a better dancer and then waiting for my next audition to wish I was a better dancer, I'm actually going to become a better dancer. I'm hoping to take tap dance lessons :D I've always dreamed of learning to tap dance and now I'm going to Carpe Diem and do it! On other fronts, Friday I'm going to see Glee in concert...Darren Criss here I come, go buy the engagement ring! And really I'm just excited to finish Junior year. I'm more than prepared for summer. Peace out Girl Scouts I need to get beauty sleep for my audition!

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