
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer, get ready

Why 'ello Lovelies! Why am I in such a chipper and British mood? BECAUSE IT'S SUMMER!!! Yesterday aka Wednesday I took my last final. To celebrate for lunch I went to the diner and for dinner we had a potluck at Sonya's. Mega fun time. I made my semifamous spinach dip and enjoyed eating everyone's yummy foods. We played 9 square it's like 4 square but better! I'm now besties with my friend Sonya's little sister! She's usually very shy but yesterday we played together! She's actually the cutest thing! I signed up for some summer dance classes and ordered my stuff yesterday. Tap dancing here I come! Today I slept to 10 so glorious. Then I woke up and cleaned my closet. It's awesome now :) I had a voice lesson today that was pretty exciting. Picked out some songs to work on for the summer. Then I sang at graduation, it's raining today so I didn't have to stay for the whole thing. I have many goals this summer. I made a chart for my goals (like a Franklin-graph except it's a Natale-graph). My goals include reading watching 2 books/movies per week, reading the news, blogging more, AP Japanese, exercising more. Here we go motivation! I'm also looking forward to hanging out my friends :D Below is a picture of my immaculate closet I'm so proud


  1. The picture doesn't show up :( you have to upload to the site, and then choose it, btw.
    and がんばって with あなたの夏 goals! haha, see what i did there?
    Also, thanks for coming to the potluck and making that amazing spinach dip :)'s already gone.

  2. crap someday i'll fix that stupid technology
    nice japanese すごい です ね???
    Yeah your mom tried giving me the spindip and i was like no, sonya wants that haha
