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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unfinished Business

I know considering the lack of blogging this is almost a miracle. If you take this as an indicator of my blogging pace for the rest of the semester you will be sorely disappointed. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS RIGHT NOW. Just kidding...sort of.
Just people, man! I'm done with a lot of them. Yesterday I made a list of people I like and a "shit list" when I sat down to do my Statistics studying. Unfortunately the "shit list" is pretty full including names of some people I'm typically very close with. Then Anonymous friend came over and commented on the lists. Anonymous friend is a true leader, a keen listener, and generally more important to me than the bald eagle is to America. Seriously though I never tried to poison her with DDT... and she can talk.  Yeah, so that happened. It was a pretty good list there were foil characters and everything. Some of the parallels made more sense than others... then Anonymous friend wrote some snarky comments on someone who is both on "the shit list" and the people I like list. He really should not be on the people I like list...sigh...but he is. Seriously I need to move the hell on. By the way in case you were wondering the key to getting over a guy is not more guys. Yep, the vague overview is that we were a thing then we weren't then we were together again and now he's ignoring me. And I don't really know what I would want or even how I really feel about him I just hate being ignored and wish we could at least be friends. So... ummm Happy Valentine's Day everyone? Yeah because I need an annual reminder that my worth is determined by how men feel about me... many thanks to the Patriarchy. I also don't like this whole "having a crush thing" I never really dealt with it in high school. Oh, that asexual, incestual bubble that was NPHS. Yeah now I'm pathetically wishing some asshole would text me. Spoiler alert: It's not gonna happen. Ah, well it sucks now eventually I'll move on, my prince will come or something like this. And I do have a Valentine her name is Kathryn and I made her a card with glitter on it and everything. Sometimes good friends are more important any way. Yes, yes. Yeah, I actually don't have that much work this week. I mean I read for Lit, some basic sets for stats, photography is well photography, and American Studies could be anything. Still gives me plenty of time to screw up my personal life... MEOW. Okay seriously, I know I'm a strong independent woman and I don't need no man! Kay? Kay!

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