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Monday, February 11, 2013

The Roller Coaster

Hi! Remember me... my name is Mara I'm a spunky little 18 year old trying to hack it at one of America's best colleges while discovering her identity. No? Well, that's because again I have fallen behind on my blogging! Gosh, I'm going to have nothing to reference when I write my memoir?!
So quick overview recap! I officially survived first semester! Yes, barely. Yes, there were several breakdowns and I def didn't get straight A's and of course a few identity crisis (somethings never change). Overall a decent first semester though. I mean they say the transition is tough for everyone and I didn't drop out or transfer so I can't complain. And I met a lot of people who I simply adore now. Looking back at the last post I realized how little I actually talked about. I didn't say anything about Laf/Lehigh! We lost :( but it was still a good time! My parents came out from the game and that was well...interesting. At the end of the semester, Dance Co. had a So You Think You Can Dance. I performed a Modern group number... we came in 2nd place! The next day was our choir concert which went quite well and was a nice send off before crunch time. Ughhh finals trust me, we don't need to recap any of that.
Next order of business: Winter Break. You know I never really understood the phrase, "Home for the Holidays" until I left. At first it was wonderful to have so much time with my friends and family but after a month of pure slothfulness (okay, and working at WatPeds) I was more than ready to return to college hill. But CHRISTMAS! I love Christmas. I love Christmas so much <3 It was nice getting back to all of our family traditions. I got mega cool stuff too :) i got leopard footie pajamas (pard pride!!!), a few books, and THE BABY! The baby is what I call my DSLR camera. Also I babysat a lot over break so I got myself a ukulele. I can play a bunch of easy songs which is pretty awesome. I also watched a ridiculous amount of Mad good. And a bunch of really good movies! And I went to Rockin' Joe's because I'm constantly there or Cosmic Cup. Coffee shop probs <3
 SPEAKING OF COSMIC... flash forward to Easton, PA my little dorm room across the street from Cosmic because that's where I am (I know, classy transition!) This marks classes week 3 but it feels like much longer! (Sidebar: Yes, I cried when I said goodbye to my dog...again). Let's see classes are I had to do an add/drop. I was taking Making Media, but there was all this drama with the Professor's grading policies and it just wasn't worth it. But now I'm in Digital Photography which makes me very, very happy :D and perfect way to get better acquainted with my baby xoxo. In contrast I'm taking Stats which sucks but you know curriculum requirements, quantitative reasoning, blah, blah, blah. I'm taking American Literature. I really, really like it. My professor is fabulous! He's ridiculously smart and does everything with such style. I'm also taking Intro to American Studies. I don't really know what to make of it yet, but so far so good. Oh yeah and Concert Choir let's go round 2. Other exciting things? I'm in a show! I'm Johnny/Jenny (gender changing hell yeah) in Curtains! That means I'm the stage manager for the show within the show. I get a couple lines and even a bit in some songs :) Considering I'm a baby froshie I'm really happy! Also it's just a really fun show and everyone is super nice! Yeah, you know how I do! Everything is just crazy right now. There's virtually no consistency yet. And in some ways that's good. You know adventure and surprise. I got some really good news today. My history professor from last semester (she's amazing, I love her), nominated me for a scholarship living community thing for next year. I'm def applying, but I don't think I'll make it. The house is this beautiful stone mansion. It's a little far off campus, but totally worth it. On the downside, you know my awesome tight knit group of friends. Well now that we're comfortable with each other that means a ton of drama. I hate drama. And now I'm starting to thing we're less tight knit and more just a ragtag bunch of misfits. Like I don't know I'm kind of freaking out. They're keeping secrets from me, and just not always the most supportive. Like I do love them I really do. But maybe the problem is me? I do kind of distance myself. I've just been kind of moody recently, maybe it's the winter weather. I mean the fact that a certain person on campus I'd like to see is ignoring isn't really helping either...
Oh WELL! I'll just chalk it up to early semester transition back blues and buck up like I always do.
And I will actually try to blog more...

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