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Sunday, October 16, 2011

bright lights, late nights

Last night was the first marching band competition of the season! 2nd place 85.002 with best percussion and best overall effect. It was ahmazing. Since I'm captain this year I got to do the retreat with Lauren and Sam. I think the 3 of us are adorable. We held hands when we marched on so cute. And then they would do their salutes and I'd dance behind them. It was so cold in just my guard uniform. Oh my gosh but we'd talk to other drum majors and drum captains and fake shmooze and it was fun. The group that marched on behind us was hysterical. One of their drum majors wore a tuxedo and another one wore a purple gown. So for their salute he would go "Detail, do the spin" and she would spin in and spin out. But they just came up with it today and they were really bad and we were joking around with them and the guy was totally in love with himself but he was cute so it was okay. Then while we were warming up this band walked by and their tuba section totally checked out my guard. It was flattering in a funny way. Yes but our performance was pretty early and awards were pretty late so we all went back to the school unpacked and then one bus went back for awards. So we got back to the school around 1. Then I said I'd drive some people home, but we ended up driving around looking for a late night snack. So I didn't get to bed until 3. Then today, I did a photo shoot with Sonya. I had a lot of people who said they would model, but 5/6 bailed. It's just really frustrating because they're all like I have to do homework, and that was my homework and now I'm gonna be behind for the rest of the project which they don't understand. If they had told me Friday I wouldn't have been upset. I could've set up a tripod or something. But I had a lot of fun with Sonya which is good. That's all for now hopefully I'll blog sooner than later.

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