
Welcome to my blog! Step inside, wipe your feet on the welcome mat, and unlace your boots...Wait, this is the internet and physical conventions like that don't apply. Right! Well, now that we've skipped introductions. Welcome and happy reading!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Special Kind Of People...

"Holey Shmokes!" direct quote from Mara when she looked at the last time I blogged... oops. Let's start with the awful things that have happened since then. I went home to see Beauty and the Beast more like went to see James as Lumiere. I was not passing up that opportunity. Anyway I went to see the show, hung out with Allie and Katie. That was the nice part. Then my mom sat me down and told me that Hunter, my puppy hadn't been doing that well. He was super old he would have been 15 in May which is super old for a dog his size. We had thirteen beautiful years together, me and my best friend. I remember my mom lied to me when I was five saying that we were moving to a new house to get a dog...I believed her. Though slightly deceptive this strategy made me more than okay about moving because it meant getting a puppy. And in 2000 we brought in the new millenium with a new family member. He was the best. On happier notes, I'm living in McKelvy next year. I was really surprised I got accepted. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the whole thing, but the whole thing kind of fell in my lap and these things happen for a reason and I'm just going with the flow. Then came spring break. I jam packed my week with chilling and catching up with the new prov crowd. There was one day I watched 3 movies in a row. Standard.  I had to go back to school on Easter which was not the most convenient, but now it's nice getting back to campus. That Friday was the Dance Company Recital. We brought back the Radioactive number from last semester which was really nice because it was the only way I was able to be in the recital. Because I was only in the one number I helped stage manage the show. It was a really nice performance. And that launched us into Marquis Players Tech Week. I'm convinced we are the most codependent group on campus. That Sunday a bunch of us went to "Hugel land" where we crammed for the upcoming week or wrote parody songs for "Curtains". That week the weather was really nice. So I sat on the quad for four hours one day. So I got sun burn... oops. Tech week was crazy. We'd get to the theatre at like 5:00 then we got kicked off stage at 11:00 then we'd do notes in the lobby then we'd eat more and do work. The show generally went really well! "Curtains" is a really fun show to be a part of. I was really really sad when it was over. Saturday I had lots of family and friends at the show and they seemed to enjoy our little murder mystery. And the level of MP love was ridiculous!  It was probably one of my favorite weekends on campus <3 Things have been pretty slow now that I'm not as tied up with rehearsal. I'm having drama with a lot of my friends. It sucks but I feel kind of numb to it. It's not that I don't value these friendships I just don't have the energy to care about their petty opinions. And I just feel distant from everyone. It's all very existential. It's okay I think feeling lost at this point in my life is to be expected.  I can't believe how quickly Summer is approaching. I'm in the process of securing an internship. I just desperately do not want to return to my boring office job again. I'm going to miss Laf so much :/. I'm already registered for classes next semester. It seems like I have a challenging semester ahead of me, but not in a bad way. I could just use some change story of my life.
In other news, Thursday marked my two year blog-a-versary. Yay, blogging!

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